Walk Across Texas- Moving To Our Own Beat

Hello Walk Across Texas 2024 Friends,

Welcome to Week 1 of the Brazos County Walk Across Texas Challenge hosted by the Brazos County Walk Across Texas Taskforce. Seeing so many new and returning names in this year’s challenge is humbling. The taskforce decided to go with a Beatles vibe. Our theme is Moving to Our Own Beat with a subtheme of The Long and Winding Road to 833.


Please see the attached newsletter. In the next newsletter, I would love to feature you, your team, or your family accumulating miles for the challenge. Please include a brief description of what is going on in the picture. Include names and team’s name.


A virtual workout is set for February 21 at noon via facebook.com/walk.across.texas.bc/live/. A Facebook account is not required. Join us for a quick workout and door prizes. Read all about it in the newsletter.


Happy trails!


February 14, 2024 Newsletter 1 (2)

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